Well fork me gently, if it isn't another blog entry! Wowzers, that's a whole
four this calendar year. Bah, very busy, too much going on, no time to waste, etc etc blah blah. Anyhoo, since the last dribbling of idiocy, here's a brief wee rundown of some of the unworthy observations that have come the big man's way...
- By jiminy, after seeing 'em again at the red shed back in Feb, I think the mighty Judas Priest might just be that one other old skool metal band that I love nearly as much as the Sabbath that is Black... Nearly, nearly, nearly, put down those burning crosses, I repent, I repent,I said nearly goddammit !!!
- My favourite noo skool metal band of the moment has to be Gojira. Saw them at the Classic Grand the other day and they were splendid. The devastating double bass drum attack of M. Duplantier was especially appreciated by my internal organs as they were re-dispersed throughout my shattered skeletal structure. Also, they really cleared my ears out no end, which was most welcome.
- Gosh, I spent some money (!) and invested in a lovely ickle lime green DS. I got given an R4 card as a pressie but haven't yet started on that promised (threatened?) game project so you can all come out from behind the sofa now.
- Bah, that old five word film review thing is just so 2008, don't you think ? I've been to see, oh, a square billion flicks since my last blog whinge. In fact, here are the classified results :
Gran Torino 2The Reader 1Punisher : War Zone 2The Wrestler 5Watchmen 1Franklyn 2Anvil! The story of Anvil 4Slumdog Millionaire 4Shock result for the unfancied Franklyn there against the expensively put together Zack Snyder side. Game of the round has to have been the Anvil / Slumdog match up, two fantastic performances from the small-time outfits, proof positive that you don't need to splash the cash to produce some real magic.
Wait, there's one more late,
late result just coming in on the vidiprinter...
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy -32The Matrix Trilogy -3426Desperately poor performance from both sides there, Gary. In fact, I'd go as far as to say we were offered up a double dose of shit hanging from a stick, If you will pardon my French, Lawro.
Phew, that's better, glad to get that crap off my not insubstantial 36DD chest. Best lie down now for another three months before the next vomit.