Oh...my...goodness...can it be true ? Two more lovely ickle eisbärbabies being born in a zoo over in Holland, and me going on holiday over there in April ??? It's fate, I tell ya, fate !!!
Letmesee'emletmesee'emletmesee'emletmesee'emletmesee'emletmesee'em [slaps own face]
Ahem. Yes. One must attempt to retain one's essential dignity at times like this, don't you think ?
Letmesee'emletmesee'emletmesee'emletmesee'emletmesee'emletmesee'em [continues for another couple of hundred pages]
That aaawww tag is just spot on :)
Please Uncle Mex, please bring one back with you, pretty please :)))
They're mine, I tell you! All mine !!!
I hate to burst your bubble an' all matey but these babies tend to grow up and eat humans for dinner^^
Best watch them from behind the zoo wire or better yet, let David Attenborough narrate to you on the tv while you sit in one of those lovely cafes and enjoy some cake and a pint of Amstel:-P
No worries, mate, I'd just give them the run of my backdoor (pause for comic double entendre effect - yes, I know my audience) as guard bears / general ned repellent...
Ah, how we can all laugh at the notion of ned repellent now that none of us live in blighted old Hellhouse anymore... :-))))))
BTW, yes, I am very much looking forward to that special Amsterdam cake... yum yum ,-)
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