Thursday, 12 June 2008

More crumbs from the dining table...

Just a wee quickie. Thought I'd do a few more of my five word reviews of recent cultural detritus while I'm in the mood and feeling all keyed up about going down to Donny tomorrow... yippee!!! Anyhoo, as an arthritic acrobat might say, let's crack on...

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Movie)
The digested watch : Marginally better than Last Crusade...
Expanded : Still means it was sh*t (ooh, maybe controversial...)

The Incredible Hulk (Movie)
The digested watch : Surprisingly good; Last one? P*sh
Alternatively : Sad piano revived - nearly wept!

Saw this while taking a sickie well deserved rest this morning. I loathed the Ang Lee abortion so anything semi-decent was an improvement on that turd. Was better than that, it was genuinely no' bad... the barrage of in-jokes and references to the old tv series was always likely to work for me but the clincher was the (all too brief) few bars of that melancholic minor chord piano music from the end titles off the telly *ulp, choking up as I write this... *

Doctor Who "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead" (Telly)
The digested watch : Moffat - The mark of quality!
Alternatively : Russell, Russell, get tae f***

Marvellous work, right up there with his earlier "Blink" and "The Empty Child". Jeepers, even maybe up there with the likes of "The Ark in Space" and "The Talons Of Weng Chiang" from the blessed seventies. Whattaguy!

The Lovely German (Neighbour)
The digested letch : My estimate ? 34D-24-34
Alternatively : Naked again? Oh, yes indeedy!

There, that was nice. Off to watch five hours of the 1979 General Election coverage, being kindly broadcast by BBC 4 a little bit later. If you don't want to know the results, look away now...


Anonymous said...

Damn your eyes! or at least upgrade them so they can record!

I've reported her "flashing" to the polis so she shouldn't be distracting you in future...

no need to thank me.

Uncle Mex said...

You bad man, now that the polis are after her, I feel more obliged than ever to take the poor dear in under my "protection"...

Little darling always looks so cold standing there in the altogether... needs something warm inside her if ye ask me... (oh dear, the old innuendo meter has started going mental again)