In fact, in this new spirit of succinctness (and also in the spirit of ripping off the digested read), I've decided that, in future, I'm going to go to the other extreme and stick with five word reviews of all the various movies and concerts that I've been going to every week (and will doubtless be going to all bloody summer). Feck it, I don't get paid for writing this shit so, as Ronnie Corbett might have said to his missus, the shorter the better.
In the words of the fĂȘted sage, gambler and black power icon Lando Calrissian, here goes nothing...
In Bruges (Movie)
The digested watch : Colin Farrell? Funny?? Who knew??!?
Van Der Graaf Generator @ Queen Elizabeth Hall, London
The digested watch : Age did not wither them
Alternatively : Drummer looked like big Matt*
*Honestly, he did, he was the complete image of my old man. If I'd had a can of cheap Swedish lager to hand then I'd have tested the theory, was a bleedin' doppelgÀnger, I swear. Tho', admittedly, I was absolutely hammered at the time...
Doctor Who Series Four
The digested watch : Generally, load of old bollocks
Alternatively : Gimme more lovely Martha, godammit !!!!
Iron Man (Movie)
The digested watch : Not enough Sabbath; Still magic!!!

Gemma Hayes @ Oran Mor, Glasgow
The digested watch : Blissfully unaware of ugly stick
(unfair, really, her new elpee is ace, it's hardly her fault she's a looker)
DJ Yoda @ The Arches, Glasgow
The digested watch : Mashed-up hip-hop genius; Crowd? Wankers :-(
Doomsday (Movie)
The digested watch : Gloomy Glesga, gratuitous gore - goody!
Phew, not half glad that lot's out of the road. I think this new format is a winner, whaddya think ???
Review of new reviewing style done in Smooth Jazz presenter style....
Doomsday was bloody awful but no arguments about the other stuff big yin. Do carry on :)
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