BTW, Paulo if you're lurking, I did get a few kind words about my bright yellow Marvel superheroes t-shirt... tho' sadly not from any of the aforementioned none-more-cool indie ladies present... :-(
Anyway, here are a few other recent observations from the past week...
- Staggered in after the gig, turned on the goggle box and fumbled my way over to Kerrap TV... only to be presented with the ungodly sight of the bleedin' Ordinary Boys gurning through their one and only hit for two insufferable minutes... Yeeeuchh... Just what the fuck is going on with that frigging channel /magazine / emo jizz rag these days ???
- So, tell me, just how long has Will Ferrell been playing HellBoy ??? (Yes, I am continuing to mine the comedy gold of the old Private Eye stylee look-a-like name/picture swap... cheers). Can't accuse this blog of not being environmentally friendly given they way I continually recycle old content...
- I have been really enjoying watching Goalissimo of a late evening to catch the ever entertaining South American fitba' among other things... however, it can get a little hairy with the player names after the odd late libation or two. For example, the other day I was 100% sure that Boca Juniors' star striker was actually named Fellatio - yes, naturally, he went down far too easily and his technique really sucked. Ho ho ho. And I was also pretty damn sure that Sao Paulo had a guy named Chewy playing up front for them... Yeah, laugh it up, fuzzball...
A nerf-herder in a nest of gundarks?
I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain :)
You know, sometimes I amaze even myself.
(cue deep, booming Jabba style laughter...)
I don't want to come allover a hippie animal rights activist (well she'd have to be cute) BUT do you realise the horrific way these nerfs are kept until slaughtered to make foam ammo for kids gun games?
None of my herd are ever dealt with in such a cruel manner - the rancor dispatches them quickly and I feed whatever's left to the womp rats. All perfectly humane.
Bah, you bloody animal rights folk - get orf my lawn or I'll set wee Knut on you !!!
lol, you should have said "or i'll stick the knut on you"
what? no? oh please yourself....
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