Bless me father, it's been a whole
four months since my last confession. Feckin' hell, it's
so quiet in here. Been very busy hidden away in my stronghold, the Fortress of Bolloxchewed, getting on with my latest plans for world domination and what have you. In the meantime, I've started a new blog along with two other
gnarly old bar stewards escapees from
Hellhouse Hillhoose, by the name of
A Hundred Thousand Years (a wee title for you fellow followers of the
Knights In Satan's Service, yes ?). What's it all about, Alfie, I hear you cry ??? Moaning, mainly. And whingeing. And ranting. Three pissed off, torn faced old diddies, at war with the modern world - mad as hell, we're not going to take it any more, godammit!!! Yes, I hope you bloody well like it !
Anyhoo, I'll probs be posting in there a bit more than in here from now on. I'll still keep posting in this one every now and then, keeping the world informed of those important issues such as the vicissitudes of the lovely Super Noni's movie career, the current state of play in the world of underground, avant-garde drone metal, and the current clothing status of my lovely Teutonic neighbour. In other words, all the stuff that those two miserable bastids won't want me posting on the new one...
Righty-ho, that's me off to watch the Liverpool game on Sky - tho' given the dread word "Lucas" appearing on the Red's team sheet, I'm not sure I should bother...
Oh no, that new blog looks even scarier than this one :0
Where have you been hiding, BTW?
Oi, missy, WTF is so bleedin' scary about my lovely ickle blog, eh ??? Any more cheek and I'll sit my avatar on you (yes, I said sit) :-)
Anyhoo, the old chaps aren't quite so bad once they've had their afternoon nap and the nurse has wiped the drool from their chins and changed their diapers... 8-0
As for my whereabouts, ducking and diving, know wot ah mean, Harry ??? :-)))
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