Hopefully there'll be none of the helmet removal business (ooohhh, sounds nasty) or the Hershey / Anderson snogging business, or the Fergee being a wisecracking smart arse instead of a rightfully stinking, muscle-headed retard business (Christ, if they really need a sidekick, howzabout John Cleese as Max Normal ? Anyone ???). At least I am pretty confident that there definitely won't be any of the punch drunk, mumbly, marble chewing "I ammm duhhh laaaww"" business... If all of that aforementioned garbage is out of the window, then we're definitely in, erm, business...
Okay, I'm getting a wee bit ahead of myself here but it's all good so far. Just hope to Grud they get a non-straight-to-video director and decent Photoshop budget, s'all I'm looking for, really... (Damn your eyes, Cannon!!!)
Anyways, on that note, happy yuletide, y'all !!!
Borag Thung!
Great news if they can get people who won't urinate over the material!
The wife and I would like to take this opperchancity to with you a Very Merry Christmas old boy.
See you in the new year
Seasons greetings to you over there in lovely Antwerp (erm...oh, sorry, seem to have had the wrong Grobbendonk there...)
Reckon those DNA movie peeps should be looking for some new blood re: their writing team for Dreddy... as my clients at Anderston bus station would testify, I am not only available but also very cheap as well...
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