Amazing the oddities you stumble over on yon new fangled interweb thingy. Couldn't tell you a great deal about who
these chappies are or what they might even sound like but such a loving re-creation of a pretty darn obscure late sixties / early seventies Sabbath promo photo session is more enough to pique Uncle Mex's interest. Very possibly (okay,
probably) setting myself up for an evening of highly pretentious, pseudo-situationist guff of the first ordure in the company of a platoon of beard strokers but, hell, I might just pop my head in to the ABC on that night, methinks...
Also, loosely continuing on the old art school trip, I got sent a very nice link the other day with a
lovely wee comic starring a blessed giant squid, no less. Hell, ya gotta take your thrills where you can get 'em, that's what
I always say...
Made with the help of -snd "stdio" - Makes me want to go up the art school every Saturday night and get utterly hammered listening to repetitive beats until three in the morning. Except when there's good boxing on t'telly via Setanta, of course - I nearly had some dough on big
Enzo, as well... phew!