I say "wee" man but that isn't quite accurate anymore, he's absolutely bloomin' enormous. In fact, I'm pretty sure that it's him starring in that new movie that folk are talking about at the minute...
Actually, any reference to compasses, golden or otherwise, has for years made me think of the (hopefully apocryphal) urban legend about the overexcited onanist at the back of the class in a school biology lesson getting too excited at the sight of the naked female form in the film being shown and taking direct action with said drawing implement to prevent his, erm, imminent artexing of the underside of his desk (ewww, dear Lord, why ?????). Straight down the eye, apparently. Yup, a lovely image to leave you with.
Anyhoo, back on topic, happy birthday cutey Knuti !!!
Made with the help of -
The Guillemots "Little Bear" - Well, what else could you expect ???
You should get a T-shirt made out of that picture, it would be even better than the hungry hippo one :-)
BTW I don't understand the rest of your post - and don't think that I want to, either :-0
Erm, a bad man came in halfway through, finished the post off and ran away... honest O:-)
By the looks of the piccy, Knuti clearly shares your disapproval... :-)
I did NOT!
and anyway is Knut shared dusapproval he wouldn't be holding his head....well in a way maybe he would?
True enough, we can't see his right paw so you might just be right....
Every male that hears that story instinctively reaches for their "head" - oucha!
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