Okay, I was
a wee bit late to the whole
MAME party, mainly through the fact that I'd been keeping a P133 alive for the best part of ten years, a situation due in no small part to
being too tight to upgrade my heartfelt concern for the environment - the old bird struggled enough emulating a
PC Engine (with the sound turned off and the frame rate
w-a-a-ay down) that I rightly felt it would be rather a waste of time getting it to try and crunch its way through the arcade version of
Chase HQ...
However, I
finally got around to getting myself up to speed the other week at long, long last and have had an
absolute whale of a time gouging my way through stacks and stacks of the old classics... Out Run, Salamander, Gryzor, et cetera
... but the current favourite has to be the mighty Green Beret. I'd forgotten how good that old girl was, bringing back all those hours I'd spent down Sweaty Betty's every other weekend trying to get past the end of that second level (bah, making those lovely doggies the end of level baddies is not playing fair with the big chap, boo hiss). Anyhoo, got to be still worth a look to any discerning gamers out there... jeez, a couple of hours knifing and / or flamethrowing some pesky Russians doesn't half make a chap hungry... note to self : must remember to dig out "Raid over Moscow"...
BTW I - if anyone au fait with POW rescue behind Soviet lines is looking at this, please let me know how the hell you kill the paragliding karate bastard who parachutes in with his smart arse machine gun every so often from level 2 onwards ??? He's no danger but I keep missing the fucker with my rocket launcher and he jumps off before I can get down and knife him in the cojones...
BTW II - on a completely unrelated note, it seems the TV Cream blog bloke is an old school Genesis fan as well... nice work, fella
Green Bert fan, eh? Typical of a Hamilton punter to so enjoy a game built around stabbing folk :P
Shut it you or you're first in line for gettin' cracked, dobber - Accies ya bas !!! [waves fist angrily]
BTW, I finally managed to rocket yon parachuter bastid - yipee-ki-yay, Russkif***er :-)))
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