Bah, the big man finds himself having less and less time for any of these new fangled blockbuster SFX demo's that are polluting our collective head space these days. Went to see Spidey III the other week and it was total, total guff. Now I read that the
Fantastic Four sequel with the mighty
surfer being introduced in it for the first time has an appearance by
Galactus in it (yay!)... in the form of (wait for it...) a "cosmic mist" !!! Ay Caramba!
WTF is
that all about ??? Galactus is an 80 foot tall, fat bloke with a TV aerial stuck to his head. Everyone on the
planet knows that. A fucking
cosmic mist ??? What next, the
Puppet Master appearing in FF III as a frigging
pea souper ??? Jesus
wept. Well, I'm not flippin' buying it, mister !!! They can stuff their shitty movie where the sun don't shine, sell out bastards, I'll stick with my
Roger Corman version thankyouverymuch... I could rip a tissue, honestly...
BTW I - ah, so
that's who Jessica Alba is, Lurkio... hmm, as Roy Walker might say, she's
good but she's not
BTW II, balls to mainstream Hollywood, I watched that Tarantino approved cult classic
Used Cars last night on DVD and it was a belter, the way I always remembered it late on Friday nights on the telly. Wall to wall classic American cars, a soupçon of female nudity, and gratuitous profanity all the way, baby :-)))
(side note : if Galactus is "but a mist", I guess Klaw will have to be "but a claw" - ho ho ho, one for the fellow Frank Skinner fan(s) out there...).
I am not FAT! I'm big boned or chunky if you will!
I'd like to see you consume planets and still have a size 28 waist!
Fecker! It's glandular and possibly beer retention.
Sorry G, anyone who has seen the big man here head for Greggs on a workday lunchtime knows that I have consumed my fair share of planets (or doughnuts of the same combined mass) and yet have still managed to retain my 2.8 inch (steady!) svelte waste, ta very much. Admittedly, being essentially a walking corpse is perhaps an unfair advantage but them's the breaks, dude...
What do you mean Jessica Alba is "not right"? You are surfing close to gaylordness ya big jessie :P
I was just suggesting that a man of taste and discretion might justifiably prefer a beautiful, Caffè Latte drinking pixie to some random, generic, low-rent, latina streetwalker, that's all... :-P
Not that I'm saying a bed / biscuits / boot out scenario would be on the cards for Ms Alba, far from it... ;-)
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