Aha, I hear you cry, the big sh**bag is making his excuses and baling out already - what a complete Colin Hunt. Well, naw, that ain't the case... not at all. The sideways scrolling job will get finished at some point, maybe even this summer... but my new years resolution was really based around just getting a game written in Python with a view to subsequently getting it running on Linux as well as Windows... and then going on and seeing about getting it running in an OLPC development environment. Well, that project is still very much on, only I've retrospectively decided to walk before running (er, actually after trying to run in the first place but bollocks to pedantry) and have started converting my old "classic" Columns rip-off to Python / PyGame from the original Delphi / DirectX version. A much less technically onerous endeavour as well as a pretty damn fun way to really get into the guts of the new language without fighting it quite so much at every bleedin' step (e.g. cursing stupid things like the lack of basic, multi-dimensional arrays in the standard Python library the other day - WTF ?!?). In fact, it's going to be a cool wee proggy to hang any graphical and musical doodlings from in the way that I'd originally intended the Delphi version to become. Well, I've started so I'll finish as old Magnus used to say. This thing will definitely get done. I've said so in public. So there :-P

Made with the help of -
The Byrds "Sweetheart of the Rodeo" - Oh, how old Uncle Mex loves the sound of some steel guitar on a Sunday morning. Glorious. Gram Parsons R.I.P.
no "basic, multi-dimensional arrays"?
Gods man what are you doing? the equivalent of a monkey hitting two sticks together!?!
I'm sure you'll get there in the end as i notice you didn't say which summer....
I'm off before that monkey starts chuckin' poo!
Regards, Dave Ross
Ah, Mr Ross... Well, that definitely explains the black Daleks, then (or should that be bleck ???)
Anyways, yes, that's how I felt as well when finding out the built-in arrays limitations. Fortunately, There's a third party class library which provides them as well as a lot of other nice things - that seems to be the fashion these days, offer only the basics as part of the core language and let the community fill in the gaps via libraries. Only a minor pain in the tits as it turned out...
BTW, the Columns game is a defo for the end of the month. The shooty up ? Erm, we'll see. May have to re-inspire myself by indulging in a crash course of old skool shooters via MAME... :-)))
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