The look of the thing definitely rings some major bells with the old boy, especially the section with the multi-level parallax red cloud background (still a sucker for that stuff). Other wee touches like the big old metallic bosses (no, not another errant Sabs reference) are very much in the mould of the mystery game I'm thinking of... and I am still 90% sure it was published by Konami...
However, as that famed Zen master Roy Walker might have said when confronting this particular situation, "mmm...it's good...but it's not right". The dread realisation was something that I confirmed for myself first hand when I stumbled across this vid of the game being played from start to finish - it's full of standard issue late eighties synthy j-rock game music, all well done natch but nothing at all like the game music I'm hearing in my head - all upbeat, bass heavy, eminently danceable shit, no moody piano sonatas whatsoever, zero zilch zip nada. I sat through it all and watched the whole f**king thing being played to completion (yes, I am one singularly sad bas - hell, you must know that already) but, grud on a greeny, it just ain't the one... :-(((
So my (deservedly) lonely quest goes on - I move on to another place, assume another fake surname again, hope to God the folk in the next town don't make me angry (sorry, different quest, wrong meeting, erm, carry on)...anyway, I'm begging you, please, someone out there has just got to help me !!! Do I have to plough through every single friggin' japanese horizontal scrolling blaster released between 1985 and 1992 before I get any satisfaction around here ?!??!
Damn you! God damn you all to hell!