So...this year I'm playing with Python (oo-er, chance would be a fine thing missus) and the PyGame modules. Why ? Well, I've done the Delphi DirectX thing and it was fun but I really want to stay a little bit more platform agnostic in case I ever want to get it working on Linux or OS X (stop that tittering at the back). People have mentioned XNA to me but I would rather disembowel myself with a blunt coat hook. Could have went back to Allegro with C but that would have been a dull re-tracing of steps and I really can't be arsed working in DOS again. Not after binning the old P133 at any rate. Nah, Python it is.
This year I'm having a go at doing a little sideways scrolling blaster. Really always wanted to do one for a long time anyways but got myself some further inspiration from playing Gradius V on the PS2 at the Game On festival the other day - not a great game playability-wise compared with the old, classic arcade or SNES versions but I liked their whole attempt at bolting new graphic techniques into the bog-standard 2D side on format of old without messing with the basics. Of course, I'm getting ahead of myself here - if I get one layer of pseudo parallax scrolling going then I'll be pissing myself laughing...but, anyway...
I've got Eclipse and PyDev working okay, just waiting on the imminent release of PyGame for Python 2.5 next week - I may even do something silly like start designing the bloody thing in the meantime (!!!).
Slainte Mhath and keep watching the skies.
Made with the help of -
1. Bleak and Destroyed doom metal compilation - Tonight, Matthew, we're going to be Black Sabbath (certainly gets my phone vote, every time)
2. Yet more Plan B compilation CD stuff...all good gear so far.
lol, was that compliment your way of preparing me for for pro bono gfx?
Mate, would I ever stoop so low as to resort to gratuitous sycophancy to get my old pal to do some new graphics for me ???
Of course I would ;-)
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