Sunday, 3 December 2006

Hello, good evening and welcome

Hi-de-hi campers ! The big man has at last decided to start blogging after watching seemingly every single other bar steward on the planet doing so, including my old mate iKon over on LiveJournal. So Uncle Mex here finally thought, what the hell, I might as well go all in and jump off that sh*tty cliff like the grizzled misanthropic lemming I am.

So, just what will I be rattling on about ? Hmm...well some expected highlights might well be along the lines of :
  • The latest installment of whatever random dissonant - progressive - doom - techno - jpop - country and western minimalism from my lovely wee record collection I feel like boring the knackers off you with...
  • The hilarious world of canine obesity and its ongoing effect on 21st century comedy...
  • The continuing adventures of that lovely gorgeous German art student exhibitionist girly from across the road... awwww, bless her l'il cotton socks :-P
  • Dispatches from the real golden age of games...ah, Exolon on the old Arnold, Slap Fight on the Megadrive, Dogs of War on the ST, you know the drill :-)
  • Oh, and Black Sabbath. Of course there's going to be some Black f***ing Sabbath...I do promise to try and control myself but the old fellas are touring in the new year and I may just have to force myself to mention it once or twice...
Anyhoo, keep watching the skies, pop pickers...

Made with the help of - Squarepusher "Hello Everything"


Anonymous said...

Hi uncle Mex, I only clicked the link because I mis-read it as Uncle Mex's trousers and thought I should inform the polis.

Welcome to the world of blogging, I'll hang around to translate for the norms out there!

Should I be concerned that the spam filter check made me type in numnutz?

Thanks for the card btw!

Uncle Mex said...

Ta much for dropping in old boy.
As you will have noticed, no expense was spent (spared, shurely ? - ed) in sending that wee card to you and the wife.

Don't worry about the numnutz. I get the same problem myself around this time of year - bloody freezing this wee hoose is.