Wednesday, 6 December 2006

Damn capitalist pigs

The MD of the company got canned yesterday, three weeks before Christmas. Not good at all. It came as a bit of a shock to me, never mind him - tho' apparently not to pretty much anyone else in the company. Hmmph...that's what you get when you're the code monkey in the corner, well out of the political loop (which, to be fair, is the way I generally like it)'s just that, sometimes, you miss out on the subtle nuances of the corporate machinations rumbling away behind closed doors. Anyway, much grumbling about missing of targets, et cetera by the usual suspects on the board. Mostly bollocks but I won't go into all that here...

Not the first time that they've behaved like c**ts with some of their employees but I never seem to get used to that kind of thing. Personally I've been pretty much immune in there to any of that muck chucking, mainly by virtue of being the scary tech guy who has written all the software that the place pretty much runs on - it's amazing that for a lot of companies / suits, the software at the core of their business and its strange workings are seemingly indistinguishable from magic. Who am I, kids, to tell 'em any different ? ;-)

Anyhoo, their card is well and truly marked as far as I am concerned...if it wasn't already. When it comes to working for the man, expect to get f**ked sooner rather than later.

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