- I really gots ta get myself a Wii. Someone, somewhere will have the feckers in stock again at a reasonable price, at least by the spring... after which time the mighty Wii Fit will finally be available in the UK. Oh, yes. In fact, PDC World Championship Darts 2008 could just be getting a look in around that time as well... Hell, it's a public service helping Miyamoto-san and co beat back the brain dead 3D FPS HD acronym flogging hordes...
- Must continue to keep the feck away from social networking sites. Enough already with asking the big man for links to his Facebook or MySpace pages. Fuck off. Am I prepared to suck on a meaty slice of the Gates / Murdoch corporate cock for the dubious privilege of getting relentlessly spammed by a million "friends" that I either don't know or never gave a flying fuck about in the first place? I really don't think so. Did I somehow get into this ole computer thang because I'm some ultra ebullient people person with some latent desire to buddy up with 101 random cunts? Fuck, no. Gimme some anti-social networking, I'd buy that for a dollar. Yessir, keeping out of the road of all that nonsense really won't be a problem for old Mexton. And you can take that one to the bank.
- Yes, make 2008 the year of the Linux desktop! Well, okay, round at Uncle Mex's house, that is. Haven't had a proper Linux installation since I punted the old P133 a couple of years back. Will probably plump for an Ubuntu /Kubuntu partition and use that for my internet access, Python hacking, etc. I'll tell you this, XP is the last feckin' version of the beast of Redmond's piss awful operating system family that I'll be having as my main desktop platform. I think my next x86 will be a Mac, for starters...
- Hi-Fi separate system, make it so! Next music system will be separates based, that is a cast iron certainty. I've had more than enough of the recent CD playback behaviour of recent micro systems where the player has somehow decided to take it upon itself to add in its own little gap between every track, regardless of how the original disc was mastered. Horrid stuff that really fucks up your listening experience of whatever Live Evil it is you are listening to. Wretched, awful (yet apparently wilful) negligence and stupidity, increasingly common at the lower end of the market with those players engineered to play MP3s straight off CD-R/RW discs. Balls to all that. ASAP the big man will be off down to Richer Sounds to get things sorted and circumvent this silliness.
Made with the help of -
Van Der Graf Generator "Pawn Hearts" - If I need reminding just what a glorious singer the mighty Peter Hamill is, I stick on a cold blast of this little beauty. A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers on yo ass.
Happy new year big man, hop you had a good one!
Yes, I had a good one, you can stop hopping now :-)
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